DevNet Pemrograman

Python Unit Test

Pada percobaan kali ini kita akan melakukan sebuah testing pada sebuah program yang kita buat.

devasc@labvm:~$ python3 -m unittest -h
usage: python3 -m unittest [-h] [-v] [-q] [--locals] [-f] [-c] [-b]
                           [-k TESTNAMEPATTERNS]
                           [tests [tests ...]]

positional arguments:
  tests                a list of any number of test modules, classes and test

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose        Verbose output
  -q, --quiet          Quiet output
  --locals             Show local variables in tracebacks
  -f, --failfast       Stop on first fail or error
  -c, --catch          Catch Ctrl-C and display results so far
  -b, --buffer         Buffer stdout and stderr during tests
  -k TESTNAMEPATTERNS  Only run tests which match the given substring

  python3 -m unittest test_module               - run tests from test_module
  python3 -m unittest module.TestClass          - run tests from module.TestClass
  python3 -m unittest module.Class.test_method  - run specified test method
  python3 -m unittest path/to/test_file.py      - run tests from test_file.py

usage: python3 -m unittest discover [-h] [-v] [-q] [--locals] [-f] [-c] [-b]

<output omitted>
For test discovery all test modules must be importable from the top level
directory of the project.

Buat sebuah file test_data.py dengan kode program dibawah ini

key1 = "issueSummary"
key2 = "XY&^$#*@!1234%^&"

data = {
  "id": "AWcvsjx864kVeDHDi2gB",
  "instanceId": "E-NETWORK-EVENT-AWcvsjx864kVeDHDi2gB-1542693469197",
  "category": "Warn",
  "status": "NEW",
  "timestamp": 1542693469197,
  "severity": "P1",
  "domain": "Availability",
  "source": "DNAC",
  "priority": "P1",
  "type": "Network",
  "title": "Device unreachable",
  "description": "This network device leaf2.abc.inc is unreachable from controller. The device role is ACCESS.",
  "actualServiceId": "",
  "assignedTo": "",
  "enrichmentInfo": {
    "issueDetails": {
      "issue": [
          "issueId": "AWcvsjx864kVeDHDi2gB",
          "issueSource": "Cisco DNA",
          "issueCategory": "Availability",
          "issueName": "snmp_device_down",
          "issueDescription": "This network device leaf2.abc.inc is unreachable from controller. The device role is ACCESS.",
          "issueEntity": "network_device",
          "issueEntityValue": "",
          "issueSeverity": "HIGH",
          "issuePriority": "",
          "issueSummary": "Network Device Is Unreachable From Controller",
          "issueTimestamp": 1542693469197,
          "suggestedActions": [
              "message": "From the controller, verify whether the last hop is reachable.",
              "steps": []
              "message": "Verify that the physical port(s) on the network device associated with the network device discovery(IP) is UP.",
              "steps": []
              "message": "Verify access to the device.",
              "steps": []
          "impactedHosts": [
              "hostName": "DUT",
              "hostOs": "Windows",
              "ssid": "Unknown",
              "connectedInterface": "Unknown",
              "failedAttempts": 3,
              "location": {
                "siteId": "SanJose",
                "siteType": "BUILDING",
                "area": "Global",
                "building": "ABC",
                "apsImpacted": []
              "timestamp": 1542693469197
    "connectedDevice": [
        "deviceDetails": {
          "family": "Switches and Hubs",
          "type": "Cisco Catalyst 9300 Switch",
          "errorCode": "SNMP-TIMEOUT",
          "macAddress": "50:60:ab:cd:70:80",
          "role": "ACCESS",
          "apManagerInterfaceIp": "",
          "associatedWlcIp": "",
          "bootDateTime": "2020-01-01 00:00:01",
          "collectionStatus": "Partial Collection Failure",
          "interfaceCount": "66",
          "lineCardCount": "1",
          "lineCardId": "022daaff-2a4a-4eb6-9050-91aab668fdf2",
          "managementIpAddress": "",
          "memorySize": "888963920",
          "platformId": "C9300-48U",
          "reachabilityFailureReason": "Collection Failure",
          "reachabilityStatus": "Unreachable",
          "snmpContact": "",
          "snmpLocation": "",
          "series": "Cisco Catalyst 9300 Series Switches",
          "inventoryStatusDetail": "<status><general code=\"SNMP_TIMEOUT\"/></status>",
          "collectionInterval": "Global Default",
          "serialNumber": "FCW1234L0UZ",
          "softwareVersion": "16.6.3",
          "roleSource": "AUTO",
          "hostname": "leaf2.abc.inc",
          "upTime": "01:08:43.96",
          "lastUpdateTime": 1542693255158,
          "errorDescription": "SNMP timeouts are occurring with this device. Either the SNMP credentials are not correctly provided to controller or the device is responding slow and snmp timeout is low. If its a timeout issue, controller will attempt to progressively adjust the timeout in subsequent collection cycles to get device to managed state. User can also run discovery again only for this device using the discovery feature after adjusting the timeout and snmp credentials as required. Or user can update the timeout and snmp credentials as required using update credentials.",
          "tagCount": "0",
          "lastUpdated": "2018-11-20 05:54:15",
          "instanceUuid": "a7633ae5-d3c9-4aea-837d-c3ad5b19c802",
          "id": "a7633ae5-d3c9-4aea-837d-c3ad5b19c802",
          "neighborTopology": [
              "errorCode": 5000,
              "message": "An internal has error occurred while processing this request.",
              "detail": "An internal has error occurred while processing this request."
          "cisco360view": ""

Kemudian buat sebuah fungsi dengan nama test_json_search.py

from test_data import *
def json_search(key,input_object):
    if isinstance(input_object, dict): # Iterate dictionary
        for k, v in input_object.items(): # searching key in the dict
            if k == key:
            if isinstance(v, dict): # the value is another dict so repeat
            elif isinstance(v, list): # it's a list
                for item in v:
                    if not isinstance(item, (str,int)): # if dict or list repeat
    else: # Iterate a list because some APIs return JSON object in a list
        for val in input_object:
            if not isinstance(val, (str,int)):
    return ret_val

Fungsi tersebut dihubungkan dengan file test_data.py yang tadi telah dibuat. fungsinya untuk melakukan unit testing pada file tersebut, jika tidak terdapat error maka fungsi tersebut tidak mengalami kesalahan/error.

devasc@labvm:~/labs/devnet-src/unittest$ python3 recursive_json_search.py 

atau dengan keterangan []

Buat sebuah file dengan nama test_json_search.py

import unittest
from recursive_json_search import *
def json_search(key,input_object):
    if isinstance(input_object, dict): # Iterate dictionary
        for k, v in input_object.items(): # searching key in the dict
            if k == key:
            if isinstance(v, dict): # the value is another dict so repeat
            elif isinstance(v, list): # it's a list
                for item in v:
                    if not isinstance(item, (str,int)): # if dict or list repeat
    else: # Iterate a list because some APIs return JSON object in a list
        for val in input_object:
            if not isinstance(val, (str,int)):
    return ret_val

class json_search_test(unittest.TestCase):
    '''test module to test search function in `recursive_json_search.py`'''
    def test_search_found(self):
        '''key should be found, return list should not be empty'''
    def test_search_not_found(self):
        '''key should not be found, should return an empty list'''
    def test_is_a_list(self):
        '''Should return a list'''

Lakukan pengujian ulang dengan unit test

devasc@labvm:~/labs/devnet-src/unittest$ python3 -m unittest -v test_json_search.py 

Ran 0 tests in 0.000s
